I'm often asked how do I find time to write and the answer is quite simple - I don't know. Whether you work full time, part time or are a stay-at-home parent, there are never enough hours in the day and using any of this precious time to write seems, well, just plain...
Reflecting on my fortieth year
As I approach the end of the year and another birthday, I can’t help thinking what a crazy one it’s been. I wasn’t looking forward to turning 40 last year. As you may know, I kicked and screamed my way in to the next decade and I was determined to make the most of it...
That horrible moment when you think the story you’re writing has already been written
My troublesome YA novel has been put firmly to one side whilst I've been concentrating on my middle grade books. However, it's always on my mind and now and again, I go back to it to continue formulating a plan of how I'm going to tackle it. Things got even...
On reflecting and achieving your dreams
Never more so are we reminded of how fragile life can be following the events of Friday evening in Paris. 129 lives ended simply because they were out enjoying themselves but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's a time of reflection and as I took...
On writing, home truths and being thankful
I'm in the thick of it at the moment, writing wise. In the middle of a 50,000 word challenge for National Novel Writing Month and typically, I get a report back on the first three chapters of my novel. I wasn't happy about the amount of work I still need to do on it...
New School Term, New Start – taking a look back over the summer
When the children go back to school, it feels like the start of a new year. It's the beginning of a new phase and a great time to get back on track with anything that you've gotten out of the habit of doing over the summer months. For me, that means working on my...
Post NaNoWriMo Analysis
At the end of last month, I asked the question, ‘can you write a novel in one month?’ I signed up for NaNoWriMo and three weeks in to November, I hit the 50,000-word target. I won't lie; I went hell for leather on the writing front. I was so nervous about how it would...
Friday Fiction – First Drafts
Welcome to Friday Fiction and thanks for stopping by. If you want to read some fiction, share some work, get help with something you are working on, meet new people, you have come to the right place. You will find a blue frog at the bottom of this post. Click on this...
My NanoWriMo Journey So Far
You may recall that I recently wrote a post about whether I should sign up for national novel writing month. Well, in case you were wondering(!), I did sign up and ten days in to November, I have 30,000 words written. I got off to a flying start last weekend. My...
Can You Write A Novel In One Month – To NaNo Or Not To NaNo
National Novel Writing Month or Nanowrimo as it is commonly referred to, is fast approaching. From November 1st thousands of writers will attempt to write a minimum of 50,000 words before midnight on the 31st. Some writers hate the idea and believe you cannot possibly...
Taking On My Own Camp NaNoWriMo Challenge
I've been so busy lately with work and school that I haven't had much time to do any of my own writing. At the risk of sounding sorry for myself (which I'm not), when you have three children who are all involved in different things both in and out of school,...