Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's also an opportunity to link up your own fiction posts, so if you are working on anything at the moment, please feel free to share it here (using the blue frog link below). Thanks to those who joined in last week....
Friday Fiction – Gift
Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's also an opportunity to link up your own fiction posts, so if you are working on anything at the moment, please feel free to share it here (using the blue frog link below). Thanks to those who joined in last week....
Friday Fiction – Anticipation
Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's also an opportunity to link up your own fiction posts, so if you are working on anything at the moment, please feel free to share it here (using the blue frog link below). Thanks to those who joined in last week....
Clichés and Adverbs – Editing your Work
This weekend I spent a lot of time editing my manuscript. As I said last week, I had to stop and take a step back from it in order to check that I was going in the right direction. I decided to start editing from the beginning, especially after giving the first few...
Friday Fiction – A to Z Story
Welcome to Friday Fiction. Regular visitors will know that I share a fictional piece here every week and invite others to link up their own work. Thanks to all those who linked up last week. It's great to see so many of you trying the exercises that I've been...
Friday Fiction – Jokes for Dads
Welcome to Friday Fiction. Regular visitors will know that I share a fictional piece here every week and invite others to link up their own work. The blue frog below takes you to the link-up page, where you can either add your own blog pieces or read others. My...
Friday Fiction – 10 Verbs, 10 Nouns
Welcome to Friday Fiction. Regular visitors will know that I share a fictional piece here every week and invite others to link up their own work. The blue frog below takes you to the link-up page, where you can either add your own blog pieces or read others. For my...
Friday Fiction – Surviving the Winter
This week's Friday Fiction is inspired by a post I saw last week on Jay C Wolfe's blog. The challenge was to write a 55 word story in which the first line has ten words, the second has nine, the third eight and so on, ending with just one word. I wanted to have a go...
Friday Fiction – Finding Writing Inspiration (Part 3)
I have covered different ways of finding writing inspiration in these Friday posts. If you missed part 1 and part 2, please feel free to catch up and I hope you find it useful. This week I am looking at creating fictional pieces from real life stories. I found this...
Character Development – Friday Fiction
I am looking at character development this week. I took two characters from the novel I am working on and put them in a new situation. The scenario I created is further on in time than the novel itself. It is something that might happen to my characters in their...
Winter Madness – Pamela Thibodeaux, on Friday Fiction
Welcome to Friday Fiction. Today guest author Pamela Thibodeaux provides an extract from her book, Winter Madness. Her merry hazel eyes danced with humor, but she simply arched an eyebrow at him without comment and rose from her chair. She held a hand toward him....
Friday Fiction – Finding Writing Inspiration (Part 2)
Last week I talked about finding inspiration through music. This week I am moving on to images. This is Jake: In actual fact, I have no idea who this person is. However, when I started writing my novel, I brought my characters to life by giving them a full background...
Friday Fiction – Finding Writing Inspiration
Where do you find writing inspiration? It can come from anywhere; a photograph, a news story, some choice words, a song. I always loved this song by Richard Marx. The words tell a story of their own and it fascinated me. I had never seen the video until I looked it up...
Choices – Pamela Thibodeaux, on Friday Fiction
Welcome to Friday Fiction. Today guest author Pamela Thibodeaux provides an extract from her book, Choices. Please use the frog link below if you would like to join in and add your own story to share. Camie's heart throbbed with excitement as she waited to be escorted...
Take me Tomorrow – Shannon Thompson
Shannon Thompson is back on Friday Fiction again today. She has kindly provided an excerpt from her brand new book, Take me Tomorrow. You read it here first! The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow the...
Friday Fiction – Twenty-Five Years Ago Today by Stacy Juba
This week I warmly welcome author Stacy Juba, with an excerpt of her book Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, from the Characters at Crossroads series. The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow the link at the...
Friday Fiction – Minutes Before Sunset, By Shannon Thompson
This week I warmly welcome author Shannon Thompson, with an extract of her book Minutes Before Sunset, which was awarded Goodreads book of the month in July 2013. The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow...
Friday Fiction – Could it be I’m Falling in Love? By Eleanor Prescott
This week I warmly welcome author Eleanor Prescott, who has kindly provided an extract of her second book, Could it be I'm Falling in Love? The link is open as usual if you would like to add your own story (published or unpublished). Just follow the link at the bottom...
Friday Fiction – Fallen Leaves by Tina Gayle
This week I warmly welcome author Tina Gayle, who has kindly provided an extract of her latest book, Fallen Leaves. The link is open as usual, for you to add your own story. Alternatively, if you would like to submit an excerpt to appear on this blog post, please...
Friday Fiction – Meeting Jake
‘Do you think you can stop messing up the orders now Mr Pretty Boy has gone, eh Soph?’ Lee snapped as I came back to the counter. ‘What are you saying that for,’ I asked, picking up a cloth from the sink and vigorously wiping down the surfaces. My stomach was doing...