Welcome to week seventy-six of What I’m Writing. If you’re wondering what the heck I’m going on about and where are the other seventy-five weeks, let me explain. You can find all the details about #WhatImWriting here but the short(er) version is, this linky is for all...
Why it’s important to spring clean your blog
Continuing with the positivity that has seen me through February, I decided to do a bit of Spring cleaning. No, not my house, although it could do with it. I'm talking about this little 'ol blog here. I like to give it a spruce up every couple of years or so and it...
On writing, home truths and being thankful
I'm in the thick of it at the moment, writing wise. In the middle of a 50,000 word challenge for National Novel Writing Month and typically, I get a report back on the first three chapters of my novel. I wasn't happy about the amount of work I still need to do on it...
Plunging temperatures, sanitary towel bandages and a blogger’s lunch
Wasn't it cold this week? Even though I love the colours at this time of year, I hate that it's becoming so cold. Although it's tempting to utter 'winter is coming' every five minutes, I've resisted the urge and just advanced the heating instead. How was your week? I...
A Few Wardrobe Nightmares and Cooking up a Frenzie
Another week goes by in a blur of school runs and pick ups, work, sports days and general running around. It's called LIFE and I wish I could say that it was more exciting and I didn't live it mostly through my kids, but sadly that's not true and hey, we wouldn't...
Blogging and Writing – Finding Inspiration and a Sense of Community
I love my blog and despite recent doubts about whether I should bother at all, I feel I am actually getting a lot out of it at the moment. These doubts made me examine why I write a blog in the first place. It started as a way to record significant moments in our...
Who Is This Post For Anyway?
Why do we write blog posts? Because we love to write? Because we have a story to tell? Or because we have a message that we want to get across? Whatever the reason, blog posts are written with one thing in mind - to be read. If the statistics tell us that 80% of...
Blogging – Is It Really Worth It?
I read a post recently called 'Blogging, a Full Time Job'. It highlights just how much work you have to put in to achieve blogging success. But is it worth it? That's a question I have asked myself lately. I have been blogging seriously since January. I've posted...