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Golf lessons for children – finding confidence and making sporting achievements
My middle daughter isn't very sporty. She's not as bad as she thinks she is, but she doesn't enjoy it, particularly team sports. Last term, she played netball for the first time (as Goal Keeper) and although learned to tolerate it, she could take it or leave it...
10-minute Free-Write Challenge: The Memory of a Physical Injury
Pain, once subsided, is soon forgotten. You might talk about how painful something was, but you don't truly remember the exact feeling you had at the time you were experiencing it do you? I had an accident coming up to 12 years ago this summer. I was 11 weeks pregnant...
On creature comforts and learning to cope with a new environment
This is our puppy's favourite position, curled up on someone's lap, snoring like a trouper. If we take him anywhere outside of the home, he's a quaking, nervous wreck. I appreciate that everything is new and big and scary when you're a tiny puppy, but I was...
10-minute Free-Write Challenge: The Kindness of Strangers
Have you ever fainted? I saw it happen many times at secondary school - usually in assemblies when someone would keel over. It was quite comical, though not really, as it can be dangerous for the poor person who has actually unknowingly fallen over. Although I often...
On new responsibilities and getting back into the routine
I'm watching his every move, looking for signs. Does he need the toilet? A nap? Has he slept too long? I worry about leaving him. Will he be ok if I go out of the room for a moment? Will he sleep through the night? Getting ready to go out anywhere seems to take an...
On writing, reflecting and taking stock
After the whirlwind that was November, I haven't done any writing since. It didn't feel right to jump straight in to editing and I decided to take a step back and take stock of what I have been doing and where I want to go with the novels. I'm reading a book called...
On staying positive and moving forward
Yesterday, I offered our summer house up for free on a Facebook forum, provided the person could come and take it away and make the area safe. Within minutes, it was a bunfight and I was inundated, but I sold it to the first person who said a definite yes (I thought)...
Could this Black Friday weekend be the perfect time to stock up on some new Christmas decorations?
Could this Black Friday weekend be the perfect time to stock up on some new Christmas decorations? We say Black Friday, but really, we're talking about a whole weekend of knock-down prices aren't we? That means you can make savings on Saturday, Sunday and Monday,...
On reflecting and achieving your dreams
Never more so are we reminded of how fragile life can be following the events of Friday evening in Paris. 129 lives ended simply because they were out enjoying themselves but happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's a time of reflection and as I took...
On writing, home truths and being thankful
I'm in the thick of it at the moment, writing wise. In the middle of a 50,000 word challenge for National Novel Writing Month and typically, I get a report back on the first three chapters of my novel. I wasn't happy about the amount of work I still need to do on it...
Book review, Here We Lie, Sophie McKenzie
I spent last week in Italy and that meant plenty of relaxing and reading time. My holiday book of choice was Here We Lie, by Sophie McKenzie. It's a murder mystery that I would thoroughly recommend as it kept me guessing right until the end. This is one of those...
National Novel Writing Month – Taking the Plunge
So I did it. I signed up to do this year's NaNoWriMo. That doesn't mean that I have signed my life away and committed myself to something I can't get out of, but it does mean a step that makes it seem real. I've spent most of this year re-writing my novel. Having done...
Plunging temperatures, sanitary towel bandages and a blogger’s lunch
Wasn't it cold this week? Even though I love the colours at this time of year, I hate that it's becoming so cold. Although it's tempting to utter 'winter is coming' every five minutes, I've resisted the urge and just advanced the heating instead. How was your week? I...
Book Review – The Skeleton Road by Val McDermid
The blurb on this book tells of the discovery of a skeleton on the roof of a derelict building in Edinburgh and of a vigilante seeking vengeance for past crimes. What it doesn't tell you is that this story links to the time of the Balkan's wars and the terrible...
Home comforts around the world – How the country you live in affects your lifestyle
Ever wondered how the rest of the world lives? Do people really live by their stereotypes? For a sneaky peak in to the living styles of people from around the world, take a look at this amazing info graphic. Compiled by Homify, the online platform for inspirational...
Warner Bros. The Making of Harry Potter Studios Tour
A mid-term inset day doubles as a great excuse for a day out and one-to-one mother-daughter time. After a hectic first few weeks at secondary school, it was a welcome day off too. Having booked the Harry Potter Studio Tour well in advance, we set off towards Watford...
Friday Fiction – Slumber
Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's the first Friday of the month (already), so that means it's link up time too. Please see the blue frog link below and follow the instructions if you would like to add your own fiction piece or book review. I look...
Friday Fiction Monthly Link Up
Regular followers of my blog will know that I publish a Friday Fiction post every week. Except that is, on the odd occasion when I'm not feeling inspired enough or I've been taking a break. This is one of those weeks, but I'm here anyway to remind you that NEXT WEEK...
Parenthood – The Before and After
As I approach the end of my thirties, I'm beginning to look back and think where the hell did the last ten years go? Of course, it's a fog of babies and young children, from which I've now emerged, sanity just about intact, but memory and body somewhat worse for the...
The truth about being a writer in the digital age
What does it take to be a writer? You might think that all you need is an idea and the ability to put that idea into words. Well let me tell you, bloggers, writers and authors of today can't survive if all they can do is write. We have to be so much more than that....