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Friday Fiction – The Outsider, by Emily Organ

Friday Fiction – The Outsider, by Emily Organ

Welcome to Friday Fiction. I'm excited to have guest author, Emily Organ taking over this post today with an extract of her new book, The Outsider. I hope you enjoy reading it. Don't forget the link is open as usual, so it would be lovely to read and share your own...

Why Should My Business Have a Newsletter?

Why Should My Business Have a Newsletter?

Why Should My Business Have a Newsletter? The internet is awash with information. On the one hand, this is great, but on the other can lead to information overload. Most people use more than one social media channel, as well as having email (personal and work...

Friday Fiction – Living Up To The Challenge

Friday Fiction – Living Up To The Challenge

Hello and welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction link up. I have a short story today - a stand alone story, not related to anything else I am working on. I hope you enjoy it and maybe it will inspire you to write your own short story or flash fiction piece....

Be The Best You – Renee Davis

Be The Best You – Renee Davis

A new year, a new start, that’s what many of us say. But what if the changes you want to make to your life are so big they are too overwhelming to contemplate? The easy option would be to keep putting off those changes to another day, another year, another lifetime …...

Easter Bunny Hunt at Riverhill Gardens

Easter Bunny Hunt at Riverhill Gardens

It wouldn't be Easter without a trip to Riverhill Gardens for their annual Easter Bunny Hunt. It's become somewhat of a tradition for us in the last few years and for me, particularly this year, it marks the beginning of Spring. There are ten bunnies to find and each...

Writing and Editing – Making Progress

Writing and Editing – Making Progress

Re-writing a manuscript is daunting and when I started mine, I wasn't sure how I would get on. I found part way through, I had to stop and take stock of what I'd written so far: do some editing, check for unnecessary adverbs and clichés etc. Since then I've spent...

Friday Fiction – Some Tough Decisions

Friday Fiction – Some Tough Decisions

Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post and link-up. Thanks to all those who dropped by last week to read and add their own work. It's great to have the company here at Nikki Young Writes! The link is open for adding your posts (see the blue frog link at the...

Creating Fictional Characters

Creating Fictional Characters

Writing inspiration can come from many sources, whether it's through music, images, or newspaper articles. It can also come from the most unlikely of sources and when my son came home with this painting he had created at school, I immediately fell in love with this...

Friday Fiction – The Girl on the Outside

Friday Fiction – The Girl on the Outside

Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's also an opportunity to link up your own fiction posts, so if you are working on anything at the moment, please feel free to share it here (using the blue frog link below). Thanks to those who joined in last week....

What is your most creative time of day?

What is your most creative time of day?

When do you write - in the morning, late in the evening? Are you at your most creative when surrounded by noise - music, coffee shop chatter, or do you prefer silence? Some people can write any place, any time. If finding the time to write is an issue, it's a case of...

My Favourite Thing About Mother’s Day

My Favourite Thing About Mother’s Day

What makes Mother's Day so special? For me it is the handmade cards the children make. It's thanks, in part to their school, who always make sure they mark the occasion. My middle daughter likes to make her own additional card or gift, usually including a poem. The...

Friday Fiction – Gift

Friday Fiction – Gift

Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's also an opportunity to link up your own fiction posts, so if you are working on anything at the moment, please feel free to share it here (using the blue frog link below). Thanks to those who joined in last week....

A ‘Free-From’ Life – New Beginnings

A ‘Free-From’ Life – New Beginnings

I've been busy making some changes to my blog. For sometime I've felt that Nikki Young Writes has become more of a writing-themed blog than a lifestyle one. The time had come to make a new home for my health-related articles and recipes. It means running two blogs,...

Friday Fiction – Anticipation

Friday Fiction – Anticipation

Welcome to Friday Fiction, my weekly fiction post. It's also an opportunity to link up your own fiction posts, so if you are working on anything at the moment, please feel free to share it here (using the blue frog link below). Thanks to those who joined in last week....

Clichés and Adverbs – Editing your Work

Clichés and Adverbs – Editing your Work

This weekend I spent a lot of time editing my manuscript. As I said last week, I had to stop and take a step back from it in order to check that I was going in the right direction. I decided to start editing from the beginning, especially after giving the first few...

Friday Fiction – A to Z Story

Friday Fiction – A to Z Story

Welcome to Friday Fiction. Regular visitors will know that I share a fictional piece here every week and invite others to link up their own work. Thanks to all those who linked up last week. It's great to see so many of you trying the exercises that I've been...

Story Structure

Story Structure

If all stories were as simple as a beginning, middle and end, then writing a novel would be easy. They would also be a bit dull, which is why longer stories are structured to include sub plots. Yes, there is still a beginning, middle and end, but it's not quite as...

Friday Fiction – Jokes for Dads

Welcome to Friday Fiction. Regular visitors will know that I share a fictional piece here every week and invite others to link up their own work. The blue frog below takes you to the link-up page, where you can either add your own blog pieces or read others. My...

3 Gluten and Dairy Free Birthday Cakes

3 Gluten and Dairy Free Birthday Cakes

I have a dairy and wheat intolerant child, so I don’t get to buy fancy birthday cakes for him every year. Besides, I like to experiment to see if I can come up with something palatable myself. We have three birthdays in quick succession in our house (Christmas day,...

Friday Fiction – 10 Verbs, 10 Nouns

Friday Fiction – 10 Verbs, 10 Nouns

Welcome to Friday Fiction. Regular visitors will know that I share a fictional piece here every week and invite others to link up their own work. The blue frog below takes you to the link-up page, where you can either add your own blog pieces or read others. For my...