How Do You Deal With Fussy Eaters?

How Do You Deal With Fussy Eaters?

Most children are fussy eaters at some point in their lives. Both my girls ate really well until they turned three years. Suddenly, they were conscious of the ‘bits’ and would often pick the offending items out of their food. I never stopped adding theses ‘bits’ to...

The Little Things That Make It All Worthwhile

The Little Things That Make It All Worthwhile

Do I speak for the majority of parents out there when I say this? We haven't had a decent night's sleep in years because of them. Our bodies will never be the same since giving birth. We spend our days running them here, there and everywhere. We are constantly picking...

Why I Will Never Go Camping

Why I Will Never Go Camping

My eldest daughter has been begging to go camping (and you know how kids can beg). We do not own a tent or any camping equipment and camping has never been on our list of holiday ‘to do’s’ despite its ever increasing popularity. ‘Everybody else goes camping,’ says my...

Is it a taekwondo grading or a lesson in life?

Is it a taekwondo grading or a lesson in life?

A Taekwondo grading means more than just demonstrating a series of moves in front of an examiner. For children, they must prepare by showing respect to their family, behaving politely, making their beds, cleaning their rooms etc. I'm not kidding. Out comes my son from...

Hands-on farm experience at Ladyland Farm

Hands-on farm experience at Ladyland Farm

Ladyland Farm in Horley, Surrey, calls itself 'the living classroom'. Open during term time for school visits and birthdays only, it aims to create a hands-on farm experience geared specifically to the ages of the visitors. For the reception children on their school...

Children and pocket money – hard work pays off

Children and pocket money – hard work pays off

I recently wrote a set of articles about encouraging children to go beyond earning their weekly pocket money and develop their business ideas as a young entrepreneur. This came about because we were experiencing a lot of negativity from our eldest daughter, which we...

The value of true friendship

The value of true friendship

How do you teach your little ones the value of true friendship? Forming relationships with peers is an integral part of development, but not always an easy task. Friends will come and go and there will be heart break along the way. It's not easy to see your children...

Crazy boy antics

Crazy boy antics

My five year old son is the joker of our household. He makes us laugh on a daily basis with his crazy, typical cheeky boy antics. His latest thing is to create characters using his clothes. Oh my goodness did I laugh when I saw the strategic placement of the toy cat....

Coping with primary school homework

Coping with primary school homework

Have you ever found yourself wondering who your primary aged children's homework is actually for, them or you? Starting from reception age, most UK children are given some task or other to complete on a weekly basis. It's not compulsory by law or anything, but yet it...

Learning to Love Lego Star Wars

Learning to Love Lego Star Wars

I'm currently reading Lego Star Wars, The Visual Dictionary, with my five year old son. It's his bedtime reading choice, after having read to me first. I am learning about things like, in which sets you would find Annakin's Podracer, how different mini figures have...

Why do my children never listen to me?

Why do my children never listen to me?

'Kids, get your shoes and coats on, it's time to go to school now.' Nothing... 'Come on you lot, time to get ready for school.' Still nothing... 'GET YOUR STUFF ON NOW OR WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!' 'Alright, alright, mummy, why do you always have to shout.' This is a...

How Entertaining Our Children Has Changed

I grew up in the seventies.  We lived on a cul-de-sac, which was inhabited mainly by other families.  It was sheltered and it was safe.  Life was very different to today.  We went to school and we came straight home afterwards.  Our parents didn’t take us to after...

A Defining Parental Moment

I was thinking the other day about a moment that has defined me as a parent and although there are many, one in particular stood out. My middle daughter was a difficult baby. People told me that the second child would be easy, so I couldn't understand how come mine...

Putting Right The Wrongs

I think I may have worked out why my daughter has been behaving the way she has been recently. As I explained in my post 'Bullying Amongst Siblings', my eldest daughter has been particularly aggressive towards her younger sister and it has been extremely unsettling...

Bullying Amongst Siblings

I have a problem and I'd like to explain it in the hope that I can get some feedback. There are times when I feel like I may be stepping in to paranoid parent territory and it takes an outsider to guide me back. I'm not sure if this is one of those moments, so here...